PoC Kit Advanced Configuration Guide
Get your Keys
Currently, the Miromico UUID database integration of mioty keys is still under construction and keys are provided by mail. In the near future, below explanation will apply.
In the PoC kit box, you will find a label with a QR code.
Use the link in the QR code to get your device keys as explained in our guide.
Sensor configuration
The sensor is a class Z device, and thus can't be configured via downlink. By standard, the sensor is configured for the following behavior:
- send configuration once after startup
- send git hash once after startup
- perform a measurement and send an uplink every 5 minutes
- send door alarm instantly
mioty Network Management
All kits are preconfigured with on a mioty service center for evaluation purposes. For advanced and additional configuration, you can log in to the network management using credentials derived from the gateway MAC address (see also credentials).
The last 6 digits xxxyyy of the MAC address are used to build username and password as explained below. xxx is marked in green, yyy is marked in yellow. In our example, xxx is 500 and yyy is a29. All letters from MAC address are in lower case!
Make sure you are using lower case letters from MAC address in email and password!
Loriot Network Management
All kits with a part number ending on POC-xxxx-LOR are using Loriot LNS. You can log in using your credentials.
All mioty based PoC kits are using Loriot Service Center. You can log in using your credentials.
Please consult Loriot documentation for details about the Loriot LNS.
On-premise Network Management
All kits with a part number ending on POC-xxxx-NM have a pre-installed network management running on the miro EdgeCard mioty. To access the network management, login to the gateway webfrontend as described in Accessing the gateway.
MQTT Interface
The data integration is implemented via MQTT.
To configure the broker, navigate to Services / System / miotysc.
For the PoC kit, the broker is configured to
- MQTT server address: broker.hivemq.com
- MQTT server port: 1883
For more information regarding the interface, please refer to MQTT Interface.
Debug Webfrontend for Network Management
By default, the access webfrontend of the network management is disabled.
In order to turn it on, navigate to Services / System / miotysc and enable the checkbox "Allow access to the SC debug frontend". Click save & apply to apply changes.
You can now access the mioty Network management on port 8081.
Debug Webfrontend for mioty Base Station
By default, the access webfrontend of the base station is disabled.
In order to turn it on, navigate to Serivces / System / miotysc and enable the checkbox "Allow access to the BS debug frontend". Click save & apply to apply changes.
You can now access the mioty Network management on port 8081.
The PoC kit dashboard is based on ThingsBoard. Consult ThingsBoard documentation to get started.
The dashboard is available on https://rms.miromico.io. For older kits, the dashboard is located at https://poc.miromico.io. Password for PoC kit dashboard is according to credentials.