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Integration Guide


This integration guide explains how to bring up and configure the current product revision of the miro EdgeCard mioty. All documentation is in a preliminary state.

Block Schematics

Theory of operation

The mioty BSM is implemented and running on the miro EdgeCard. It exposes a USB CDC ECM device to the host system.

To integrate the card with a host system, the following steps are needed

  • Configure the host system network to send traffic to and from the card using a NAT setup
  • Configure the mioty BSM on the card with necessary keys and service center URL


Host System Networking

The miro EdgeCard mioty is providing a USB CDC ECM network interface and is configured to use static IP Configure host system IP address to be in the same network (e.g.,

Setup ip tables to look like this

?> cat /etc/iptables/iptables.rules

:INPUT ACCEPT [47:14726]

:INPUT ACCEPT [1102989:1312630655]
:FORWARD ACCEPT [1634:182445]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [419031:1280236444]
-A FORWARD -i eth2 -j ACCEPT

Use the following command sequence to set up configuration as mentioned above using the correct interface names

iptables --flush
iptables --table nat --flush
iptables --delete-chain
iptables --table nat --delete-chain
iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface eth1 -j MASQUERADE
iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface eth2 -j ACCEPT

Enable ip forwarding in kernel

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Card Configuration

The card is exposing a linux shell on /dev/ttyACM0. Use a tool like minicom to log in into the system (user: root, no password).

On the card, there is a systemd service mioty_bs providing the mioty basestation service on the card. The mioty BSM configuration is done through a xml file in /root/mioty_bs_config.xml.

Set these parameters according to your needs:

  • uniqueBaseStationId
  • serviceCenterAddr
  • serviceCenterPort

The config file will look like this

<module name="root">
  <module name="bsi">
    <parameter name="uniqueBaseStationId">9c-65-f9-ff-fe-61-07-c7</parameter>
    <parameter name="baseStationName">miro-edge-mioty-hybrid</parameter>
    <parameter name="baseStationInfo"/>
    <parameter name="baseStationVendor">Miromico</parameter>
    <parameter name="baseStationModel">edge-mt-868-lte</parameter>
    <parameter name="serviceCenterAddr"></parameter>
    <parameter name="serviceCenterPort">727</parameter>
    <parameter name="tlsAuthRequired">true</parameter>
  <module name="mps">
    <parameter name="profile">eu868</parameter>

The mioty BS is requiring certificates to establish a secure connection with the service center. Create a folder tls_certificates in /root/mioty_bs and copy the following TLS certificates and keys from the service center into those files:

  • root_ca.cer
  • bstation.cer
  • bstation.key