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A set of flags are used to toggle certain functionality:

Flag Description Default
Confirmed uplinks Confirmed uplinks are used for uplinks Off
LED Enable the on board LED on uplink (always enabled for join) Off
ADR Enable LoRaWAN Adaptive Data Rate On
Continuous VOC Enable measuring the IAQ every 3 minutes for better calibration. This can be disabled to save power, but the VOC values may not be accurate anymore On
Report Interval Tells the device to include the measurement interval parameter with every measurements message. When measurements are accumulated before being sent, this allows to compute the correct timestamp of every datapoint based on the timestamp of the uplink message. When measurement are sent right away this is not needed Off


Setting Description Default Minimum allowed Maximum allowed
Measurement interval The interval of sensor measurements in seconds. (Sometimes called measurement cycle or just cycle) 900 10 -
Send cycle This value is used to determine the number of measurements which are accumulated before sending under normal circumstances: Number of measurements = Send cycle - 1. A value of 0 means measurements are not accumulated but sent right away. (Sometimes called tx_interval ) 0 - 63
Number of retransmissions The amount of time a LoRaWAN uplink is retransmitted if no ACK is received with confirmed downlinks. It has effect only when the ADR flag is off, i.e. ADR in not network controlled 3 0 15
  • It is not recommended to go below 30 sec for the measurement interval

CO2 Sensor

Setting Description Default Minimum allowed Maximum allowed
Subsamples Number of subsamples per CO2 measurement 8 1 1024
ABC period ABC calibration period in hours (see 336 1 65534

Door Sensor

Setting Description Default Minimum allowed
Alarm time The time a door has to be open in seconds to trigger an alarm 60 1
Hall debounce The hall debounce time in milliseconds to mark a door as open/closed 500 50
Door status time The time in seconds for the regular door status uplink 86400 (1 day) 300 ( 5min )

New settings (from LBM firmware version 1.2.2 )

Blind ADR profile

The ADR flag in the common settings can be set to on or off. More specifically this result in:

  • ADR on: actually means that ADR is network controlled, i.e. the LoRaWAN network is responsible for telling the device how to adjust the data rate (spreading factor)
  • ADR off: the device uses a so called blind ADR profile to decide how to adapt the data rate (spreading factor)

The blind ADR profile that the device uses when ADR is set to off can now be changed through a downlink.

Setting Description Default
Blind ADR profile Blind ADR profile used by the device in case the ADR flag is off, i.e. the device performs blind ADR Low Power

The available profiles are:

ADR Profile Byte Description
Constant SF12 0x00 Device always send with SF12. Thought mainly for testing purposes. SF12 is the spreading factor that has the longest range but consumes the most energy
Constant SF7 0x01 Device always send with SF7. Thought mainly for testing purposes. SF7 is the spreading factor that has the smallest range, but consumes the least energy
Default lowpower 0x02 The used SF is distributed as: 30% SF7, 30% SF8, 30% SF9, 10% SF10. It's a tradeoff that favours low power above long range
Default longrange 0x03 The used SF is distributed as: 30% SF9, 30% SF10, 20% SF11, 20% SF12. It's a tradeoff that favours long range above low power

Conditional transmission settings

Conditional transmission is a configurable feature which applies when the device is accumulating measurements, i.e. when send cycle is greater than 0. In this scenario threshold values for temperature, humidity and CO2 (separately) can be programmed such that the device, in the case where the temperature, the humidity or the CO2 value rises above (or falls below) the programmed threshold it stops the current accumulation of values and send the data immediately. This is useful when the device is configured to accumulate measurements and send them uplink only with a long time interval, but at the same time there's the wish for a more rapid response in case temperature or humidity or CO2 values rise above a certain configured threshold. For instance, let's say the device is configured to take measurements every 5 minutes and accumulating 12 of them (i.e. send_cycle = 11, sending them every hour). With the cond_tx_co2_th threshold parameter set to 800 ppm, if during the hour of accumulation the measured CO2 value rises above 800 ppm, the accumulated measurements up until that point are sent immediately. This works also in reverse, i.e. if then the CO2 values fall below 800 ppm. By default this feature is deactivated by setting those parameters to very high values.

Setting Description Default
cond_tx_temp_th The temperature threshold for the conditional tranmission feature 300 (deactivated)
cond_tx_hum_th The humidity threshold for the conditional tranmission feature 100 (deactivated)
cond_tx_co2_th The CO2 threshold for the conditional tranmission feature 65535 (deactivated)

Light measurement setting

New miroInsight Lux devices have to opportunity to measure light intensity either through the PV cell or with a dedicated light sensor. This is to help evaluate how much light is the PV cell getting at a specific location and orientation, to help find a good installation or understand how light varies at a specific location across different seasons or time of the day. If this feature is activated, how often is the light intensity measured and sent uplink can be specified through the light interval setting.

Setting Description Default
light interval Multiple of send_cycle. Include the light intensity measurement in the uplink every light interval send cycles 0 (light measurement sent with every uplink)

A light interval of 1 result in the light measurement being sent every other measurement uplink, of 2 every third, and so on.