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Mioty AT Command Reference Guide


This document provides an overview of the AT commands available for the Mioty Endpoint. These commands allow users to interact with the device, configure settings, and retrieve system information.

UART Settings

Configure UART the following way:

  • 9600baud (can be reconfigured via AT command)
  • Databits: 8
  • Parity: None
  • Stop Bits: 1
  • Flow Control: None

The EOL sequence must be <CR><LF>.

Command List

Below is a detailed list of supported AT commands, their functions, and parameter constraints.

Help and Value Get

  • Display all AT commands via AT?
  • Read out values (if command allows it) via AT-<CMD>?
  • Example: AT-MEUI? displays the EndPoint EUI

Value Set

  • Value settings follows the syntax as
  • Integer value: AT-<CMD>=<VAL>
    • Example: AT-UP=1 sets the uplink profile to EU1
  • Array: AT-<CMD>=<NBYTES>\tab<PAYLOAD>\x1a where payload is in hex format
    • Example: AT-MEUI=8\t\FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\x1a sets the end point EUI to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Sending Data

Before sending data

  • configure EpEUI (MEUI), short address (MSAD) and the network key (MNWK)
  • attach the device either statically (class Z) or dynamically (class A) via MALO / MAOA

Send data FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and don't request downlink (no downlink window opened):


Send data FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and don't request downlink (must be enabled in service center):


General Commands

Command Type ISR Function Min Value Max Value Description
ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_NONE false miotyEpAtCmd_help N/A N/A Displays help information
I ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_NONE false miotyEpAtCmd_deviceInfo N/A N/A Retrieves device information
Z ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_NONE false miotyEpAtCmdHal_factoryReset N/A N/A Performs a factory reset
+IPR ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_INT false miotyEpAtCmdHal_setBaudrate 0 INT32_MAX Sets the baud rate

Bootloader and Reset Commands

Command Type ISR Function Min Value Max Value Description
-SBTL ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_NONE true miotyEpAtCmdHal_startBootloader N/A N/A Starts the bootloader mode
-RST ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_NONE true miotyEpAtCmdHal_restartDevice N/A N/A Restarts the device
-LIBV ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_NONE false miotyEpAtCmd_coreLibInfo N/A N/A Retrieves library version

Communication and Data Commands

Command Type ISR Function Min Value Max Value Description
-U ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmdUni_message 0 245 Sends a unicast message
-USENS ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_NONE false miotyEpAtCmdUni_sensor N/A N/A Queries sensor data
-UMPF ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmdUni_messageMpf 1 245 Sends a multi-frame unicast message
-TU ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmdUni_message_nomac 0 255 Sends a message without MAC header

Network Configuration Commands

Command Type ISR Function Min Value Max Value Description
-MALO ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_NONE false miotyEpAtCmdUni_attach N/A N/A Attaches the device to a network
-MDLO ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_NONE false miotyEpAtCmdUni_detach N/A N/A Detaches the device from a network
-MNWK ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmd_networkKey 16 16 Configures the network key
-MIP6 ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmd_ipv6SubnetMask 8 8 Sets the IPv6 subnet mask
-MSAD ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmd_shortAdress 2 2 Configures the short address
-MEUI ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmd_eui64 8 8 Sets the EUI-64 identifier

Device Settings

Command Type ISR Function Min Value Max Value Description
-MPCT ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_INT false miotyEpAtCmd_getPacketCounter 0 0xFFFF Retrieves the packet counter
-UM ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_INT false miotyEpAtCmd_uplinkMode 0 2 Sets the uplink mode
-US ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_BOOL false miotyEpAtCmd_syncBurst N/A N/A Enables sync burst
-UP ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_INT false miotyEpAtCmd_uplinkProfile 0 4 Sets the uplink profile
-UTPL ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_INT false miotyEpAtCmdHal_txPowerLevel 0 100 Configures the transmission power level
-LED ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_INT false miotyEpAtCmd_setLed 0 2 Controls LED status (RGB)
-CLED ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_INT false miotyEpAtCmd_clearLed 0 2 Clears LED status
Profile Name Value Frequency Details
MIOTY_PROFILE_EU0 0x00 Uplink Singleband Standard in 868.180 MHz
MIOTY_PROFILE_EU1 0x01 Uplink Dualband Standard in 868.180 MHz & 868.080 MHz
MIOTY_PROFILE_EU2 0x02 Uplink Dualband Wide in 867.625 MHz & 866.825 MHz
MIOTY_PROFILE_US0 0x03 Uplink Dualband Wide in 916.400 MHz & 915.600 MHz

Bidirectional Communication

Command Type ISR Function Min Value Max Value Description
-B ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmdBidi_message 0 245 Sends a bidirectional message
-BMPF ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmdBidi_messageMpf 0 245 Sends a multi-frame bidirectional message
-TB ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmdBidi_message_nomac 0 255 Sends a bidirectional message without MAC
-MAOA ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmdBidi_attach 4 4 Attaches end point over the air
-MDOA ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_DATA false miotyEpAtCmdBidi_detach 0 235 Attaches end point over the air
-MRDR ATPARSER_ARG_TYPE_BOOL false miotyEpAtCmdBidi_setDlRequest N/A N/A Sets downlink request flag


This document provides an overview of the available AT commands for Mioty Endpoint devices. Use this guide to configure, communicate, and troubleshoot your device effectively. For further details, refer to the official Mioty documentation or contact support.